
Grammarly Mac Word App

Grammarly Mac Word App Rating: 8,7/10 671 votes
  1. Grammarly For Mac
  2. Grammarly Mac Microsoft Word

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Grammarly has announced that its AI-driven writing assistant is now available for Mac users as an add-in for Microsoft Word. For years, Grammarly has been available as a stand-alone product, a.
  2. Once Microsoft Word is installed, add Grammarly for Microsoft Word for Mac as follows: Open a blank Microsoft Word document on your Mac. Open the Insert menu and click Get Add-ins or Store. Enter Grammarly in the search field and press Enter. Click Add next to the listing for Grammarly for Microsoft Word. Then, look for the Grammarly tab on the.

What’s the difference between Grammarly Premium and Grammarly Business?

Grammarly Premium is built for individuals to improve their writing through our advanced writing feedback.

The 3rd product is a standalone desktop program - not an add-in - that is available for Mac (1st bullet). It doesn't work dynamically with the Office software, either. You need to run it separately on existing documents. Office for Mac applications automatically check for potential spelling and grammatical errors as you type. If you’d rather wait to check spelling and grammar until you're done writing, you can turn off automatic checking, or you can check spelling and grammar all at once. Word Check spelling and grammar automatically as you type.

Grammarly Business is built for teams to ensure their communication and writing is professional and clear.

How secure is Grammarly?

Grammarly protects your data using a combination of technical, physical, and logical security safeguards—you can learn more about our security practices here. Grammarly’s SOC 2 (Type I) report attests to our enterprise-grade system and organization controls regarding security, privacy, availability, and confidentiality.

Do you have any volume discounts?

Yes! We offer volume discounts on annual plans for more than 10 members. The discount will be automatically applied if you use our self-checkout process. Please contact salesif you’re buying a plan for more than 149 members.

What does an enterprise plan include?

Grammarly’s enterprise plans offer all the benefits of Grammarly Business plus advanced security and control, enhanced customer support, and bulk user management to suit your large organization’s needs.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept major credit cards (Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Discover) or PayPal. If you’re purchasing Grammarly Business for more than 10 members, you can also contact sales to pay via wire transfer or check.

Do you offer any discounts for educational institutions?

Yes! Learn more about our discounts for educational institutions here.

Grammarly for Word is aproofreading tool that helps to ensure your articles, blog posts, eBooks, andevery other type of writing is free from spelling and grammar errors makingyour contents professional and understandable.

Spelling and grammar errors in writing can be embarrassingand a huge turnoff to your readers even if the message you are trying to portrayis essential. If you are a content writeror professional blogger, you will understand the need to always deliver articles that are thoroughlyedited with no errors.

Among the proofreading tools and grammar checkers available,we have Grammarly. It has become quite popular, largely due to theeffectiveness of the tool in detecting spelling and grammar errors. Manywriters choose to do their work with Microsoft Word – arguably the most popularword processor available. Grammarly can work directly with Word, but is theGrammarly for Word investment worth it?

DifferentGrammarly Apps

Grammarly comes with variousapps and extensions to suit many different needs:

  • Grammarly web chrome
  • Grammarly chrome plugin
  • Grammarly MS office add in
  • Grammarly desktop app for Windows and Mac
  • Grammarly for Android
  • Grammarly for iOS

Grammarly Editor

This is an online editorwhere you can store all your documents. Free mac streaming app. You have the option of eithercopying and pasting your draft or typing directly into Grammarly itself.Copying and pasting texts to this editor can be stressful and time-consuming, soyou may want to consider a different route.

Browser Extension

You can use the free version of the software on variousbrowsers with the respective extensions. This includes Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox.It’s easier to use than the online editor since it automatically checks yourwriting wherever it is you are working - such as blogs, Facebook, Twitter,emails, and anywhere else. You only need to install the extension and watchGrammarly highlight mistakes while you type.

Grammarly for Word

You can also enjoy the leisure of integrating this software rightinto Microsoft Word itself. It becomes morecomfortable to use Grammarly through this medium as you can check forspelling and grammar errors immediately. You can finish your writing right there on theMicrosoft document. You don’t need tocopy and paste to another location before you begin editing.

Grammarly for Desktop

This app is another suitable alternative to the onlineeditor as you don’t need to copy and paste. You can drag the document you needto edit onto the Grammarly icon you’ve installed on your desktop and getfeedback immediately.

Grammarly for Mobile Phones

Most people use their phones to browse through their socialmedia accounts, and some installMicrosoft Office to write with their mobiles when they cannot access theirpersonal computers. This is whereGrammarly keyboard comes in handy, helping you check your social media postsand Word documents right on your cell phone. It’s compatible with Android and IOS although it needs an internetconnection to function.

People whouse Grammarly

Grammarly is a word checking tool everyone who writesregularly can benefit from. If you post on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms, you shoulduse it to prevent embarrassments that come with grammar errors on public posts.

Luckily, you can also download these apps on your phones anduse when your data connection is switched on. Then there is the web version ofGrammarly which you can use in editing your Microsoft Word, Excel or Presentationdocuments on your personal computer.

On average, people who use Grammarlythe most are:

  • Content writers
  • Copywriters and content marketers
  • Bloggers
  • Authors
  • Resume writers
  • Students

Even if you are a native English speaker, you sometimes needto check if you are writing your sentence correctly to avoid beingmisunderstood by your audience.

UsingGrammarly for Word Review: Is it worth it?

Grammarly helps to check for different kinds of writing errors:

Grammar and Punctuation

The basic Grammarly helps to correct wrong words placed insentences. For example, it replaces “has” with “had” if the former does notcorrespond with the sentence you’ve written.

It also helps in adding punctuations where you’ve missed itand removing those placed in the wrong spot. For example, Grammarly will changethis sentence “Please take your pen” to “Please, take your pen.”

This feature helps especially if you have developed a habitof either over or underusing certain punctuation, which most writers do at somepoint. If you are using Grammarly premium, it willassist in detecting advanced grammar andpunctuation errors. Running ios apps on macos.

Simple Explanation

For every word replacement suggestion they give, there is alwaysan explanation given as well. They explain grammar rules which are quite easyto understand and give room for improvement in your future writing. You only needto click “see more” to get more insight before deciding if it’s worth replacingor ignoring.


Grammarly also sends you a reportwhich outlines how far you’ve come and what you’ve done since you began usingthe software. It describes your spelling,grammar, vocabulary, and plagiarismprogression.

Spell Checking

If you have problems spelling things correctly, Grammarly isthere to take care of it. The best part is that it recognizes current andtechnical spellings which Microsoft Word might not pick up on. You can restassured that your spellings will always be accurate when using Grammarly,compared to the relative unreliability of Word’s built-in spellchecker.


If you are using the Grammarly premium, you also get tocheck if your contents carry plagiarismby comparing it to other content on theinternet. Sometimes the plagiarized materialmight be few words that bear a resemblance toanother article on the web. Other times, it might be a paragraph or thewhole section. Grammarly is an easy wayto check for plagiarism in your content.

Word Repetition

Sometimes, you may tend to repeat certain words when you arewriting. This can be because you are momentarilylost on alternative, or it has simply become a habit. Regardless,Grammarly provides you with an alternate choiceif you have used one word repeatedly. This feature is available withGrammarly premium.

Writing Style

Another thing it checks is your writing style. It indicateswhen some words look too informal and advisesyou to change it. It identifies things like slang and sentences writtenwith a passive voice.

For example, if your sentence reads, “I just discussed with my father,” It advises you to remove the word to make it, “I discussed with my father” because according tothe software tool, using just in a sentence underscores the importance of themessage you are trying to get across.


You can customize the free version of Grammarly with yourpreferred features such as choosing your desired language, adding new words tothe dictionary, and deciding what websites you prefer using it for. Even whenyou are not paying for the writing software, you are allowed some privileges.

Deeper Editing

Grammarly does help you identify your spelling and grammarerrors, but not in the way that Grammarly premium or business does. Afterediting the detected errors, you’llnotice a section that outlines some more advanced issues with your piece. Thiswill only be revealed if you purchase the premium plan.

Even if you don’t have the budget for it, you will stillhave knowledge that your writing contains some “advanced issues.” If you goback and edit more critically, you may be able to identify these yourself. Inthis way, Grammarly also helps to improve your writing.

Accurate Corrections

If you feel the correction is not valid, check the sentence as a whole to see if the problem comesfrom how you’ve structured your sentence. The softwareisn’t perfect 100 percent of the time, so there are instances where it may bewrong. Remember it’s an artificial intelligence tool which does notreason like a human proofreader. There areeven times where both their suggestion and your original version are both correct,and you can choose which one you keep.

Grammarly for Word vs. Premium and Business

Grammarly offers three editions of editing: the freeversion, premium, and business. The freeversion is simply designed to check spelling and grammar errors with noprovision for plagiarism, repetitive words, or other advanced grammar rules.

Grammarly premium costs $139.95 per year if paid all at once.The quarterly cost is $59 while the monthly feeis $29.95.

The Grammarly business has additional features than that of the premium, but they are more services than grammar checkingelements. You can use this edition if your team needsa grammar checking tool. It costs 15 dollars per member. Some additional featuresof Grammarly business include:

  • 24/7 email support
  • Checking trends through monitoring tools
  • More privacy and security for documents
  • Admin and user management controls
  • Centralized billings

Grammarly For Mac

Comparing Microsoft Wordwith Grammarly for Word

Microsoft word is a long-standingwriting software with necessary editingtools, but the truth is Microsoft doesnot pick up errors like Grammarly. It is more of a word processor than anediting tool. Grammarly gets continuously updated with the latest advances in vocabulary. This makes iteasy to acknowledge new words like “Instagram” as correct while Microsoft wordwill give you options like “integral” for replacement.

Grammarly for Word gives detailed explanations for eachreplacement it suggests, while Microsoft Word has one or two generic responsesto all supposed errors.

With Grammarly, youcan get more than 150 grammatical checks which Microsoft Word is not likely tocatch. Sometimes, even when it’s glaringly obvious that your article containserrors, Microsoft Word tells you everything is fine.

You also get performance stats with Grammarly whichMicrosoft Word does not offer.

Writers can improve on their writing and editing skills withconstant use of Grammarly for word, whileMicrosoft Word retains the function of creating a document which is still quiteuseful.

Cons ofGrammarly for Word

The free version of Grammarly is quite limited when comparedto the premium or business. You can only check your spelling and grammar errors.It does not allow you to go further into difficultissues like passive voice, repetition, plagiarism, vocabulary enhancement, andso on.

If you are a pro in writing, you might not need more thanthe free version since many of the features are not always necessary forskilled and native English speakers. Also, writers who do not write in bulk orhave low budgets can still benefit from the free version.

Using Grammarly for Wordwhen writing with other languages mightnot be the best experience as it would highlight them all as unknown. It wouldbe extremely time-consuming to click ignore on all of these. If you have a fewwords of another language that you use frequently, there is the option ofadding them to the dictionary to prevent this.

Another downside is the continuous pestering to upgrade topremium with numerous emails and spam ads. Even when you opt out of their emaillist, they use their extension medium to continue advertising the upgrade optionto you.

Since the subscriptionto premium and business is a bit pricey, you might want to keep using the freeversion if you are a native English speaker and are familiar with grammarrules. Most times, it is constant spelling and grammar errors that make contentunreadable. Passive voice and repeated words, for example, are less than idealbut do not often hinder the reader’s understanding.

As for the plagiarism checker, writers should know when theycopy material from the internet word for word- they don’t need any detector to determine it. If you hire a ghostwriter andyou are not sure of their integrity,there are lots of free online plagiarism checkers to use. You certainly don’tneed to subscribe simply to check for plagiarism.


Grammarly Mac Microsoft Word

Grammarly for Word is worth it since you don’t need tostrain your pockets to afford the subscription. You only need to concentrate on the best content while using thesoftware for editing. When you don’t have to constantlycheck for errors while working, it helps you save time and allows you toenjoy your writing.